Well, Christmas has been and gone for another year and that means that this year is almost at an end, so this will be my last WIP Wednesday for 2012. As an extra special treat you get to see all my current WIPs, which have all seen some progress this week, even a couple that I wouldn't normally work on at this time of year (thank God for air-conditioners). Some might say that I've been quite slack, sitting in front of the TV crocheting when I could be doing other things, others might say that I've been very productive, I'll let you decide.
Here they all are.
Rose Dress Tartan Rug |
Definitely not one I would work on if I didn't have air-conditioning in this place. Even with the air-con it is very warm under this.
Hoodie for Me - Dawg by Drew Emborsky (The Crochet Dude) |
I made the pocket this week. Now I need to sew it all together before making the hood and doing the cuffs.
AustralianaV2 - designed by me |
The next group of things are coming into veiw. For those that want to know, just above the Kangaroo, Emu and Wattle is a Lyre Bird, a Pineapple and a Platypus (or it could be a crocodile, I'm not sure).
Toddler's Jacket #4 |
I've manage to add a few more rows to this one.
Box Stitch Baby Blanket |
I Almost managed to do a full 2 rounds on this one.
Crochenit Cot Blanket |
Last night I thought I had worked on all 6 projects, but then I remembered that I hadn't worked on this one this week, so I got it out this morning and worked on it while watching the start of the Boxing Day Test and the start of the Sydney to Hobart.
So that's it, all 6 projects have been worked on this week. I'm not sure if that will happen again for a while but I'm hoping that I can get all of these finished for next year's show (end of October), as well as a couple of woollen blankets and other things. I want to enter more than 6 items in next year's show and cover as many categories as I can.
If you want to see what everyone else has been making this week, just check out the links in the sidebar.
Love the Australian one! Nicely done! I'm a huge fan of plain things, so love the tartan...