I think I have made a bit more progress this week. It helped that crochet classes are back and the blanket is making progress, and I had markets on Saturday so I had a bit of time there to knit and crochet. But before I show you what I have made progress on I am going to show you what Sue is currently working on.
Pram Blanket with diamonds |
She has had a few issues with this and had to restart it because she was making too many mistakes but it seems to be going OK now.
And now for my WIPs.
Woolen Baby Blanket |
I managed to finish one row of squares and start on the next row of octagons.
Shy Butterfly Baby Jacket in 8 ply |
I added a couple more rows to this one while watching people walk past my stall.
Knitted Scarf |
I knitted one full repeat of the pattern, also while watching people walk past my stall.
Koala |
I finished one Koala and started another.
Shy Butterfly Baby Jacket in 4 ply |
I even found time to add a few rows to this one.
Tunisian Spiral Blanket |
Sue wasn't feeling well yesterday so we ended up at the doctors and I had some time to work on this. Unfortunately, I didn't put the next colour in my bag so I had to abandon it when it became time to change colours.
I also worked on the yarn eater blanket but found a mistake in a previous row (it's so hard to remember to put 12 stitches in the corners instead of 8) and had to rip it out and redo it so there was no real progress made on it.
That's it from me for now. Be sure to check back on Friday to see my finished objects. In the meantime, check out the links in the sidebar to see what others have been making.
Some lovely projects you have there. Glad to see I am not the only one who works on a dozen things at once. :-) Hope your wife is feeling better.