Forgive me followers for I have sinned. It has been 10 weeks since my last post, and I haven't posted a WIP update since the beginning of the year.
I have finished quite a few items since I last posted so this post is going to be quite heavy on photos, mainly of Trauma Teddies, and some of those look very similar to each other as I made several in Salvation Army colours.
Here is everything that I have finished in the last 10 weeks in the order that I finished them.
Trauma Teddy # 20 for 2017 |
Owl # 1 for 2017 |
Owl # 2 for 2017 |
Trauma Teddy # 21 for 2017 |
Trauma Teddy #22 for 2017 |
Trauma Teddy #23 for 2017 |
Trauma Teddy #24 for 2017 |
Trauma Teddy #25 for 2017 |
Trauma Teddy #26 for 2017 |
I have not only been slack with posting, I have also been slack with my finishing. I have the makings for 4 more teddies sitting next to me, so, if I manage to post next week, expect to see more teddies.
Until next time, have a good one.