I almost forgast to post my finished objects for this week. Here they are, in the order they were finished in.
Green Sheep #3 |
Having given away two of these already I thought I should have one for the shop. Expect this one to be for sale shortly.
A Blue Octopus |
This is my fifth octopus, one of which has already been given away. When I have a bag full of these I intend to take them over to Wodonga Hospital's maternity ward to be given to preemie babies.
A Blue Sheep |
The plan was to make a rainbow of sheep and put them up for sale but this one is already sold along with four others, a red one, a yellow one, a purple one and a white one. These a pretty much all the colours that appear in the book "Where's the Green Sheep" with the white standing in for all the different non colour sheep that are mentioned.
Comfort Bear #27 for 2018 |
I couldn't not have one of these done this week. This year may be the one year where I actually go the whole year completing one each week.
That's about it from me for this week. Until next time, have a good one.
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