It is the end of another week and to show you what I have finished this week. It may look like I have been busy this week but most of these things have been on the hooks for a while. Here they are.
Comfort Bear No 27 for this year |
Another week, another Comfort Bear.
Shopping Bag with Pouch |
Shopping Bag in Pouch |
This should be my last shopping bag for a while. I now have 12 of these, and until I sell one, I won't be making more.
Two Red Birds |
A little while ago I finished the second of two Brown Bears as part of the story "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See?". Anybody tht has read the book will know that the answeer to that question is "I see a red bird looking at me", so here are the red birds to go with the brpwn bears. The next question is "Red bird, red bird, what do yuo see?" If you know the story you will know what animal I with be working on next.
That's all I have for you for this week. Until next time, have a good one.