The last few weeks have been a mixture of being too busy, too tired or just forgetful so this week you get to see all the tnighs I have finished over the last 5 weeks. Here they are.
Comfort Bear No. 19 for this year |
This is the bear that I made 4 weeks ago.
Comfort Bear No. 20 for this year |
This one was made 3 weeks ago.
Comfort Bear No. 21 for this year |
2 weeks ago I made this bear.
Comfort Bear No. 22 for this year. |
And this is last week's bear.
And now for the items that I have finished this week.
Comfort Bear No. 23 for this year. |
Even though I have been busy with other things or having trouble staying awake I have still managed to finish a bear each week and this week is no exception.
A Blue Duck |
I also managed to finish this duck which is the third of three ducks that I was commissioned to make. This, of course, meand that I now have ...
Three Ducks |
... these three ducks ready for delivery to their new owner.
That's all I have for now, hopefully you won't have to wait 5 weeks for the next update.
Until next time, have a good one.