Saturday, December 7, 2013

Saturday Shenanigans - 07.12.2013

This week has been a bit of a mixed bag and I must profess that I haven't done as much crocheting as I possibly should have. Some days it has been too hot to think about picking up one of my projects, other days have been quite cool and I still didn't pick anything up. I have done some crochet this week, just not as much as I would in cooler weather.

On Thursday evening the corps band went to Kmart in town and put on a concert for all the shoppers. I guess this means that the season has started. We will be doing the same next week and the week after.

Yesterday marked the end of the term for the crochet class and Mirambeena Melody Makers (MMM). The MMM have a few concerts to perform and one of them was this evening. One of the local churches has a Christmas Tree Festival where different groups and individuals enter  a competition to see who can be the most creative Christmas Tree decorator. Anyone that wants to can pay $5 and vote for their favourite trees with the money going to the chosen charity of the people who entered the tree the is voted for. The winning tree is the one that raises the most money. They also have local choirs go in and entertain the crowds and tonight it was our turn.

I will wait until next Saturday to tell you of the other concerts we're going to be involved in. I hope you all had a good week.


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