Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday WIPs - 17.02.2016

I still seem to be having trouble finding my tuits, especially the round ones. I seem to be spending more time reading email than I spending crocheting. That doesn't mean that I haven't done any. Here are the projects that I have worked on this week.

Story Time Blanket
I managed to get a bit of this one done during crochet class. My pupils are slowing me done a bit but not too much.

Baby's Jacket
I should have had this and the toddler's jacket finished by now but I put it down to a lack of round tuits. I will get them finished and delivered eventually, maybe for the next time I go to the dentist.

That's it for me for this week. I don't expect to get anything finished this week and I will be away next week so don't expect anything until the 2nd of march. Until then, enjoy checking out what other people are working by following the links in the sidebar.


Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday FOs - 12.02.2016

Another week comes to a close and only one finished object to show for it.

Trauma Teddy #3 for 2916
My latest Trauma Teddy was finished on time for this week's post, but it was the only item finished.

To check out what other people have finished just follow the links in the sidebar.

I'm off to find some tuits, especially round ones, to see if they help me get some of my projects done.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wednesday WIPs - 10.02.2014

I'm still trying to get a special order finished so my regular WIPs are languishing at the moment. I have still managed to work on a few projects and here they are.

Story Time Blanket 
I had a pretty good run with no colour changes  so was able to make really good progress on this one.

Tunisian Spiral Blanket
Another trip to the optomitrist to get some more photos taken meant some more waiting time so I managed to get another couple of colour changes done.

Toddler's Jacket
This one is ready for the ends to be sewn in and the button sewn on.

Baby's Jacket
This is the second jacket ordered, this one for a one year old.

Craft'n'Cuppa started back today (it was supposed to start a fortnight ago but Sue wasn't feeling well) and I did get started on this week's trauma teddy, but I'm hoping to have it finished tomorrow so I can show it off on Friday. Be sure to check out the links in the sidebar to see what other people have been working on.


Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday FOs - 05.02.2016

I have managed to finish a couple of items this week, and here they are.

A Pair of Slippers
There are some aspects of these that I would change but I expect that these will keep my feet warm when the weather turns cold in a few months.

Trauma Teddy #2 for 2016
After a bit of a slow start with these I am finally getting into the swing of making one per week. I'm sure that the lady that sews on the Salvation Army tags will be real pleased.

That's it from me for this week. Be sure to check the links in the sidebar to see what other people have made.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Wednesday WIPs - 03.02.2016

Things are starting to return to something resembling normal with Friday morning crochet class resuming. I still haven't got back to my regular crafting habits but that is mainly because I'm still working on the things that have been ordered. I have worked on a few things this week and are the ones that are still WIPs.

Story Time Blanket
I didn't make a lot of progress on this one this week, but it is hard to work on your own projects while trying to help others start theirs, and we have more students to look after this year, which is a good thing.

Toddler's Jacket
I have almost finished this and will be ready to start on the other jacket (for a 1 yo) soon.

Tunisian Spiral Blanket
Today Sue and I had appointments with the optomitrist so I took this with me so I had something to work on while Sue was being tested. I managed to finish getting around the corner and a couple of colour changes while I was waiting. It looks like I will get another chance to work on again next week as there was one test that Sue had that I need to have but we couldn't both have on the same day as we can't drive after.

That's all for today, be sure to check back on Friday to see what I have finished. In the meantime check out the links in the sidebar to see what other people have been working on.
