Saturday, August 18, 2012

The week that was 18.08.2012

We come to the end of another busy week. A week where I haven't done as much school work as I should. A week where I've managed to finish one of my major projects (check yesterday's post for details). A week where we have picked up the keys to our new abode, and a week where we have done less packing that is needed for the big move which is to take place on Wednesday.

The highlight of this week, though, was today. We spent the whole day at church learning all about discipleship and how we can be better at it. Both Sue and I came up with the same idea for adding a discipleship element to "Craft 'n' Cuppa", and each of us wrote it down before showing the other. It was quite uncanny.

That's pretty much our week in a nutshell.

I hope you all had a good one.


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