Things seem to be slowing down on the crafting front of late and it kinda shows with my FOs. I mean, 2 weeks ago I had 5 towels finished, last week I managed to finish 3 towels, and this week I've I managed to finish ...
... 2 towels. |
If this decline keeps going much longer I'll have another Friday where I have nothing finished! It will also take me a while to finish all the towels and get onto something more interesting.
Ah well, I'm sure there is plenty to look at over on
Tami's Amis.
I love hanging towels, they are so convenient to have when you need something to dry your hands on in the kitchen. I used to make them. I haven't had any finishe projects in a while because I am working on bigger projects right now. You will get things going again, sometimes we need a break. I know sometimes when I'm in a slump I put everything away and read for a week and then I'm good to go back to knitting and crocheting.