Friday, February 24, 2012

FO Friday 24-02-2012

It's Friday once again and time to show off my finished objects for this week. As promised, I have now finished the other 2 towel hangers that I started for last week's FO Friday post and here they are.

2 Rose Towel Hangers
There, along with the one I managed to finish last week, will be added to my Madeit store shortly.

I promise that next week's FO will have nothing to do with towels, but I can't promise that there won't be more towels in the near future.

For more FO Friday goodness, check out Tami's Amis.



  1. Very cute, but I'm clueless about how you use them. Do you attach these to your towels?

    1. You tie the hanger onto a handle and then slip the towel over the ring at the back. They have one main advantage over the towels with the hanger attached in that when the towel wears out you just replace the towel and not the hanger part.

  2. LOL know what you mean... have a great weekend :))
