I promised to tell a little story today to tell why I didn't work on as many WIPs as I would have liked, so here goes.
We arrived at my sister's place at about 7 pm on Sunday night and I presented my brother-in-law with his drink bottle cosy. My sister then asked where hers was and when I explained that her husband had asked for one and she hadn't she claimed that she didn't realise how nice it would turn out.
On Monday morning my sister and brother-in-law took my cousin and her husband for a bit of a walk and Sue and I drove into town to do a bit of shopping and then do a bit of exploring. Since Sue doesn't walk far we kept close to the car and drove from place to place. We found a bakery and bought ourselves some lunch and then headed back to the house.
After lunch I settled down to tackle the next drink bottle cosy in the series that I have been working on.
Drink Bottle Cosy in Gold Coast Suns colours |
I think I should have made the yellow strips wider, but that's not part of the story. I was almost finished this when the others arrived back and my sister then asked if this one was for her. I said she could have it if she liked but it might be better is she selected more suitable colours.
Once that cosy was finished I pulled all the yarn that I had in my bag out and asked three of them to chose colours for their own drink bottle cosy and then I sat down and proceeded to make three more cosies.
Drink Bottle Cosies for my sister, cousin and cousin's husband |
My sister wanted black, orange and white as that is the colour scheme for the Easts Tigers but I didn't have any black. That's OK because she had some black I could use. My cousin wanted hers in Australian team colours (green and gold) as a souvenir of her visit to our country and her husband want blue and white as he is a Sheffield United supporter. It was great to see that my hard work was appreciated as they made use of their cosies immediately.
I kinda surprised myself, being able to make three bottle cosies in just over 4 hours. One of these days I will write out the pattern so that it is easier for me to remember and others may be able to make these.
I still needed to make this week's beanie so yesterday afternoon I got stuck in and did it.
Beanie in Navy Blue and White (Geelong Cats) |
I can't make these beanies as quick as I can the bottle cosies but I can still make one in an afternoon.
It has been quite a busy week this week and, while I haven't done as much as I would have liked, I still managed to get quite a bit done. If you want to see what other people have made this week, just follow the links in the sidebar.