This week has seen us continue our search for more suitable accommodation. It seems that most places around here just have too many steep steps with few have someway to modify them for easy access, but we will keep searching.
Yesterday, being Good Friday, we went to church as usual except that the band wasn't playing. I still played a part in the service as Lt gave me a piece of wood and a hammer. I thought that this was quite ironic seeing as how I'm the son of a carpenter and I was to hit the piece of wood with the hammer to represent that hammering in of the nails when Jesus (considered to be the son of a carpenter) was crucified. After the service we joined other churched is the area for the "Stations of the Cross". This was the first time I had ever participated in this particular ceremony and I found it quite interesting.
Today was market day in Benalla and it didn't go particularly well. Last month few people balked when told the price of our hanging towels, but today, only one person seemed to think that that was a reasonable price. Ah well, maybe it was just a tourist crowd that were used to being able to buy their hanging towels at a cheaper price. I did manage to sell $48 worth of goods, it's just a pity that the day cost me about $50 (stall fee, petrol, breakfast, etc).
I managed to start another new project today (I know, I already had 7 others on the go). This one is to replace the crest rug which is now finished. It's going to be my special market day project.
Hope you all are having a happy easter.
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