Wednesday, April 20, 2011

WIP Wednesday 20/04/2011

It was a miserable afternoon for taking photos this afternoon so I will apologize in advance for the poor quality of the pictures.

In the last week I have managed to finish an item that a lady in Benalla asked for.

Baby Shawl
This one took about 35 hours to make so I hope she is willing to pay a good price for it.

I also manage to finish (drum roll please) an item that I have been working on for about 2 years.

Salvation Army Crest Rug
I will try to take a better picture of this on the weekend as the camera in my phone doesn't work well in low light.

Other items that I've worked on this week are :-

Front view of Small Bunny

Rear view of Small Bunny
 This one just needs the facial features and then it will be ready for market.

@ for the Road Scarf
I've reached the second iteration of the grit stitch section.

Baby's Jacket
Still working on the second sleeve of this jacket. I should be able to finish this before next wednesday.

Last night I had a small accident involving the garbage bin (which I still haven't brought in after it was emptied) and the passenger side mirror on the car which is now broken (I thought these thing were supposed to bend backwards and forwards if hit). While searching through the storeroom for something to use for a temporary repair, so that it didn't just flap around in the breeze as we drove along, I found another UFO.

This is a latch-hook rug that I started about 20 years ago and is now probably going to remain a UFO for another 10 years or more. I'm unlikely to get back to this until I stop selling things as the craft stall keeps me too busy.

On another note, my to-do list just grew again this week thanks to Pat from Tasmania ( Many years ago a lady in Canberra showed me a shopping bag that fitted into it's own little pouch. Unfortunately, she didn't have a pattern for it and I haven't, until now, been able to find one myself, but Pat has provided me with a pattern that I can use to make these so it's now on my to-do list. With Pat's permission, I would like to send a copy of the pattern to my friend in Canberra so that she can also add them to her craft stall (not that she doesn't have plenty of things to make each week).

Well, that's all that's been on my hooks this week.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link back Richard, the pattern is easy and I have seen a bag made with a flower for the pouch, very nice...Not a problem with the bag pattern, it can be varied to suit ones mood :))
    What a relief to have completed the S.A Crest rug, well done..
    Love the pattern and colours in the latch rug :))
